Continuance utilizes the power of Blackchair Symphony to capture changes during production organization and publish them to your DR organization.
Functionality with Symphony
Continuance is an add-on to Blackchair Symphony and acts as an automation and data transformation layer.
Fully integrated with Genesys
Continuance works alongside your existing Blackchair Symphony subscription, integrates fully with your CCaaS platform.
Automated updates and audits
When changes are made in the production org, Continuance automatically updates and audits the DR org.
Real-time synchronization
Automatic and real-time synchronization services are enabled across both production and DR CX systems.
50+ object type support
50+ object types, 99% of configuration objects in Genesys Cloud, are currently supported through API.
Built-in alerting system
A customized altering system that is built into the system to notify of successful or unsuccessful updates.
Productized object sync
Productized object sync enabled across any org to automatically publish up-to-date changes into the DR org
Extended compatibility
An altering system set up to notify of objects that are not supported for syncing—to be manually changed.
Oh my God! We had no idea what was really under the covers of our legacy system – Clarity really brought to light what we needed to transform as we moved to CCaaS.
- Logistics industry client -
We were able to find and eliminate 3500 useless agent seats in the legacy premise environment. Over 65% of our old configuration was found to be irrelevant for the move to CCaaS.
- Transportation and logistics industry client -
We were able to automatically assess our legacy switch environments with a data-driven approach that led to a shrinking migration window by a significant percentage.
- Banking industry client -
Business continuity planning is necessary to ensure that a business remains operational during a disaster, and disaster recovery planning helps the business restore data access and IT infrastructure after a disaster.
Genesys cloud presents a unique challenge for business continuity planning as there is no functionality to easily move configurations. There are also no comparison tools to ensure production and DR alignment.
Continuance is an add-on for Symphony and delivers scheduled or on-demand automated synchronization of the Genesys Cloud DR org. Symphony is used to capture the changes occurring in your production org, which are then published in the background to your DR org.
Since Continuance is an add-on for Symphony, it can either run in production or DR regions or even in multiple regions for resiliency.
Symphony identifies changes happening in the production org, and special workflows to create an automation package that is pointed at the DR org and run. The Symphony UI provides information on the object types for syncing, which the clients can then customize.